Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's Been Forever!

    Well yes it has been forever since I have posted.... almost two years!! Today Hannah once again reminded me that I still had a blog! In April Mike and I will be moving to New Jersey!! So hopefully this summer I will be able to be a faithful blogger once again.
    It is hard to sum up the last two years, Mike and I have been through SO much! We've had good times and bad, we've made new friends and lost loved ones, we've seen new places and have visited some favorite locations, we've developed new hobbies and have worked on perfecting the old ones.  We are both still in school, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! We are planning on being done winter or spring of 2014.
  Mike is in the bishopric of a singles ward on campus, and we LOVE it! The students are so great and fun, and we are glad to call many of them our friends.  This last semester Mike has been running a restaurant on campus with a group of students for their class project (it's called IBC integrated business core).  The restaurant has been doing great! It is like a better version of Chick-fil-a or KFC, it is called Chicken It Out.  It has been giving Mike some great working experience.  He has also been working in the Housing office as the Chair of the Apartment Life Counsel which oversees all on campus and remote housing.  Needless to say he is one busy guy!! And to top it all off he has had shingles since Monday! NOT FUN!
   I have been working at a sandwich shop, Millhollow, here in Rexburg for over a year now, and is looking forward to my last week of work next week!  Aside from packing up the house recently I have been developing many new talents!  I have been expanding my photography business and now have an Etsy Shop! I have learned to love refinishing furniture. I have actually done some cool stuff and made lots of pretty pennies :) Ever since my beloved Grandmother passed away in October, I have thrown myself back into my art.  I am hoping to continue studying art and developing a talent for it like my Grandmother.
  So here's to the past two years and many more to come!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wanting some fries with my "catchup"

Yes it is true as Hannah often reminds me....we haven't posted in awhile.  Life has been busy with school, home, church callings, and everything else that life throws at us.  We are LOVING our new apartment! (Pictures soon to come).  The family who lives upstairs is so great, they have three little kids with one on the way.  We absolutely love our family ward.  There are 10 former mission presidents, 1 former temple president, 1 current temple president, and the former mayor of Rexburg, ALL from our ward! It has a great mix of retired people, people with teenagers, young families, and newlywed couples.  We love it so much that we might actually stay here in the fall! School is going well for both of us.  We both are taking some hard classes that each require a lot of attention, but we are getting through them nonetheless.  

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here we are 9 days away from the big day! Who knew time would fly by so quickly? The days go by like weeks, but the weeks go by like days! Once we get finals done and packing done we can relax and do the wedding.  Hopefully we can make it through this next busy week!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mama's and Milk Duds

Well before I get started I just wanted to let everyone know....11 days!

Today I found a dollar in my wallet and I decided to hit up the vending machines next to Mike's classroom while he was in class. So there I was staring at the goodness of candy held by the vending machine with my dollar in hand.  Oh the choices! Anyone who has been to multiple restaurants can tell you that I am the most indecisive person when it comes to food...I just want it all! Especially candy.  As I glazed over the different candies the golden box of Milk Duds hiding in the bottom corner caught my eye and I immediately smiled.  I never really liked Milk Duds until I was older and in high school.  My mom would get them a lot and we would have them while watching a movie or our favorite tv show on that night.  I have grown to love them because of her.  So here I am writing this in memory of my mother, in which time I have "accidentally" eaten the entire box.... :D I love you mom!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We're in the TEENS!

Holy cow we're already in the teens! It's amazing how fast the time has gone! Not too much has been happening.  Utah was a blast! We took my roommate Hannah with us.  We got our marriage license, make-up for the wedding, and had a bridal shower! So many people came it was beautiful.  We got such nice things too! Mike is thinking that we need to have bridal showers more often.  It's crunch time now with packing, finals, and wedding plans, but we're going to make it!  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


As many of you may have seen Mike's "birthday" was yesterday. He and his cousin Craig thought it would be funny to see how many people would not notice and wish him a happy birthday again.  I was actually surprised at the response, there were so many people who didn't think twice about it and still wished him well on "his day."  I still feel awful about him tricking people like this! Luckily no one sent him anything. 

My birthday is on Thursday, yes St. Patrick's Day, I'm really looking forward to it because Mike and I are taking one of my roommates (Hannah) and one of his roommates (Shawn) down for the weekend.  Not only are we going to celebrate me turning 19, but some dear friends are throwing me a bridal shower! So it's going to be a party all around this weekend!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Month to go!!!

One month from today Mike and I are getting married!! I can't believe how fast time has gone!
Well so much has happened the past few days.  Utah was so much fun! It was great to just get away and relax.  We did the photoshoot for the baseball team, and then I took Mike to Whistle Wok, a chinese restaurant in AF. It's like Panda Express only better! After we went to Orem to watch the BYU basketball game at his grandparents house with Bruce and Deb, and Brian and Adriana, and of course Evelyn! I got to take pictures of her, she is so beautiful and so sweet! Here is a sneak peak at some of the pictures.  Fish update: Wilbur is still alive and swimming!
   My roommate Natalie is hilarious. This morning she walks into my room and says "Caitlin I need a girl talk. How do I become a good kisser?" Well needless to say for once I was a little starved for words.  I had to text Hannah to come into the room and help me out on this one.  So she is telling me her stories for about the 4th time in a row, while I try to get a word in giving her advice on boys.  This is always interesting.
   OH! Great news, so this morning I officially changed my major.  I was once a History Ed major, and I am now a communications major.  I am so excited!!